Technology & Engineering
"Knowledge is not enough. It must be applied!"
Mission Statement
To provide students with the technology and engineering related skills and knowledge necessary to succeed at the post-secondary level, in a career, and as a citizen living in a technological society. To do so, we are committed to:
Using math, science, and other academic concepts on hands-on applications in order to develop an understanding of technology and improve problem solving abilities
Offering relevant curriculum and rigorous learning activities
Inspiring students to discover their interests, talents, and career aspirations
Providing modern equipment and technology
Having well-trained instructors
Maintaining close relationships with industry partners
About Our Program
Slinger High School's Technology and Engineering Department ("Tech Ed") was named the 2012-2013 Technology Education Program of the Year in Wisconsin by the Wisconsin Technology Education Association! In 2013-2014 we were honored to be one of only 16 high schools in the U.S. recognized with a Program of Excellence Award for Technology Education, sponsored by the International Technology Engineering Education Association.
We offer a variety of courses from introductory level experiences to increase career awareness, to more in-depth skill development and pre-engineering concepts utilizing the new nationally recognized STEM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum.
In the Introduction to Engineering classes students are introduced to engineering design and problem solving techniques. Activities include bridge building, racing mousetrap vehicles, and much more.
The TE department offers 31 different courses in subject areas including graphic arts, digital photography and video, architecture, 3-D modeling, engineering woodworking, building construction, metal fabricating, manual and computer controlled machining, welding, web design and animation, electricity, and digital electronics.
New Equipment Thanks to Our Advisory Board!
Our program has benefited greatly from our industry advisory board and donations from many local industries and civic groups. Since 2009 we have added over ONE MILLION DOLLARS worth of new high-tech equipment! (See the advisory board section of this website.) We are still actively seeking donations in order to continue growing our program and updating equipment. Contact Russ Hermann at the high school if you are interested in more information.
Principals of Engineering Course Counts Toward Science Graduation Requirements
The TE department also offers "Principles of Engineering." This course applies a variety of physics and other science concepts and will count toward high school science requirements needed for graduation. It is also recognized by University of Wisconsin colleges as a science course. UW-Madison will accept it as elective credits in their engineering program.